
To request information or interviews, please contact my assistant Nicolas Frias.

For copyright information and related inquiries, please contact my agent Johanna Castillo from Writers House.

For permissions, please email allendepermissions@writershouse.com

For speaking engagements, please contact The Lavin Agency.

What I Don’t Do

Much as I love reading the work of young (and not-so-young) writers, due to limited time and legal concerns, I am unable to edit manuscripts or forward them to my agent or publisher.

I am also unable to write book blurbs or forewords. Please read the end of the interview section of this website for more on why; you'll also find suggestions on how to get your work published.

Designer Sarah Hillesheim • Programmer Nicolás Frías • Art Director Lori Barra • Editor Lauren Cuthbert • Translator Mónica Niedermeier